How to loose weight without diets and exercise

Most focus for weight loss rests on what we eat and how much of it. This helps but it does not address the source of the problem. If you take away the source of the problem then the weight returns to normal!

A little knowledge to digest first! Digestion in the body is facilitated by the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS). This same nervous system ALSO facilitates rest. So if a person feels stressed they can find rest indirectly by eating something. Eating something stimulates digestion and of course increases the PNS tone. So the person at the same time as eating gains rest from stress. If they eat something greasy so much the better as far as rest goes because fatty food is digested late. This means the PNS tone is kept high for longer. The draw back of course is weight gain. And the more stress, the more the person eats and the more the weight gain.

To find out the cause of the stress is paramount. Sometimes it is known but sometimes it is little known. How can it affect us and be little known? Because through relationship a person becomes insightful. This is NOT intuition, which requires no personal relationship. The insights are specifically of anything that affects you, especially your safety or the safety of your loved ones, possessions, career etc. Mostly a problem is posed and not actual. However no suggestion, whether verbalized or thought by another with ill intent has any effect without there are real conditions in place that can be used to effect. A person only becomes insightful if something could happen that could have bad consequences. This is the means used by by manipulative, controlling people to affect another person, stress them and thereby gain power and influence over them, while the victim remains perplexed about their stress and associated health problems.

Insightful perception is for most people unconscious. So how to bring it to consciousness to help find out what problem you are facing? The thoughts that occur to us are a guide. Take the little note book with you in your pocket and jot in it any thoughts that occur to you during the day or night. You only need to write a few words or a short sentence. If you make a note you will remember it later and can expand on it. Mostly those thoughts are fleeting and some practice is needed. To jot them down immediately you perceive them helps in this practice.

Another way to bring the information to consciousness is to sit in a reflective mode. This is not exactly meditation. Sit observant of what arises in mind, sit waiting for the information to come to mind. Thoughts always become conscious but often only fleetingly. So be ready to notice them and record them in your note book. You only need to do this for a few minutes and you can do it several times a day if you need to.

Another time to be observant of thoughts is when you reach out to eat something extra or while you are eating it because often the habit is automatic as all habits are. Whatever troubles you is always flashing in and out of consciousness, it is only that you need to become more observant of your thoughts to perceive it. Again jot down any thoughts about anything that make you stressed.

Once you have a clear picture of the stress-causing issues you can address them directly. Furthermore you can also get a clear picture of who in your life is causing you stress and deal with them too. You may be able to cease the relationship but if it is someone at work for instance you may not be able to do that. However you can hold them at a distance and distrust them. Do not give any information to them about yourself. It is personal information that is used to effect stress in most cases. You can also hold counter ideas that can ward them off.

Develop a new attitude to life. Most people are stressed because they feel powerless. This is done to them by others but it is something that they alone can dismantle. Ideas and belief are created and made to stand as mental blocks and associated with certain conditions. For instance fear of loss of your job can be created as a mental block by a manipulative person at your work if you oppose them on something or sometimes on anything. Once you see the fear and the condition (the threat of loss of your job or career opportunity) you can address any issue if need be and then begin to stand against the person willfully but where appropriate. You have a right to your opinions and choices, provided they do not harm others. This new attitude will feel awful at first and you may even feel guilty in taking it. But know that is not real guilt but only the bad feeling that you have been made to feel when you stand against a manipulative, controlling person. It is just the way you have been controlled and nothing more. Once you establish your new attitude the bad feeling will be gone. Real guilt comes about when we do something unethical. Standing up for your opinions, choices and interests, where they don't hurt others is not unethical. And standing against manipulative people doesn't hurt them either no matter what they say and they can be persuasive. Far from unethical standing against manipulative people is ethical and a stance for truth and justice.

Once you have discovered the issues that have been created and made to affect you, you can addressed them directly. Furthermore you become more mindful of the motives of the people with whom you relate. Thus you gain control over your life and direction, so you will overcome stress in a more direct fashion rather than seeking to reduce stress through eating to find rest. When you no longer need to eat to get rest you will loose weight without diets and loads of exercise. And furthermore you will like to eat what is good for you because you will not need to eat fat to get more rest. Also the time you spent eating you will now feel inspired to use up in activities such as walking or playing your favorite sport etc. So you become more healthy naturally.

Tips & Warnings

* Do not try to rush the process. Many mental blocks and the fears that are created have been put there over a long period of time. It takes time to discover them but once you do half the battle is over. The other half is to challenge them and swim against the tide.
* Overweight can also be created by a lowered metabolism, which is a different coping habit that can best be overcome through addressing shallow breathing. Sleeping under a canopy helps because you will breath in air that has less oxygen through the night and your lungs will draw harder and breath in more air to get the amount of oxygen you need. Thus you effortlessly overcome the habit but it takes time. Sometimes this coping mechanism is associated with eating to gain rest.

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