Weight loss vitamin | Dangers associated with overuse of weight loss vitamins

Many individuals do not realize that there are many dangers associated with an overdose of a weight loss vitamin. Many people are under the impression that vitamins are safe - no matter how much is consumed. Unfortunately, this is a myth. Vitamins, if taken at high doses, can be just as harmful as standard over the counter and prescription medications if taken at high doses.

In most cases where overdose is experienced, the individual taking the weight loss vitamin supplements was taken them in order to achieve weight loss. It was said by most patients that experienced an overdose that they believed taking more would increase the amount of weight that they loss. If you are on a diet and in the market to lose a few pounds, you should pay special attention to this article.

If the weight loss vitamin that you are taking has a lot of Vitamin A in it, and you overdose, it is quite possible to damage your liver. In addition to this, it is not uncommon to experience pain in the head area and even complications with vision. If you take too much of a Vitamin B product, it is possible to experience complications in walking, and even numbness in various areas of the body such as the hands and the mouth.

If you have Vitamin C and accidentally take too much you may acquire a severe case of diarrhea and maybe a stomachache. D Vitamins have some potentially challenging side effects if you overdose on them. You may experience complications with the overall functioning of muscles, and even the heart. Calcium may build up inappropriately in the body too.

There are other types of vitamins and nutrients that may be included in a weight loss vitamin regime that can cause problems if they are taken in excess. This includes niacin. This can severely damage the liver. As a matter of fact, the majority of individuals that overdose on this experience jaundice and some form of damage to the liver.


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